Thursday, February 26, 2009

Froggie Update

In case you were wondering, and I'm sure you were, the frog that showed up in our hanging basket last June is still there. He's survived Hurricane Ike, two falls (the wire holding the basket broke twice), and a cold winter, but there he is in spite of the fact I have no idea what he can be eating. I guess he likes it in there.


Kara Boulden said...

Wow, what a cutie he is. I'm glad you give updates on the little guy. I admit, I forget about him between posts. But, when you give updates I remember and am so glad to know that he's still around doing well. :)

mybillcrider said...

I thought he'd be gone in a week. It's 7 months now, and counting.

Janet Rudolph said...

You're so lucky to be able to get a photo of this guy. My frogs have just returned--or they're just now becoming vocal (mating?) I've only seen one of them about three times-not necessarily the same one. They're sooo loud. They live in and around the pond and across in the orchids. I guess they're all over the front yard. None in the back.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Bill...It's plastic. All those kids you yelled at to get off your lawn decided to jerk your chain and put it there.

mybillcrider said...

Darn. I should have thought of that. He only appears occasionally, but the next time he pops up, I'll check.

Anonymous said...

Well, hope not. Bill could be offering an important shelter:


NATURE “Frogs: The Thin Green Line” (#2610)

Sunday, April 5, 2009, 8:00-9:00 p.m. ET

Short listing:

Large-scale die-offs of frogs around the world have prompted scientists to take desperate measures to try to save whatever populations they can.

Long listing:

Frogs have been hopping the planet for more than 350 million years. They’ve evolved into some of the most wondrous, diverse and beloved animals on earth. Suddenly, they’re slipping away. We’ve already lost one-third of our amphibians, and more are disappearing each day. Some say it’s the greatest extinction since the dinosaurs. Ecosystems are beginning to unravel, important medical cures are vanishing and we’re losing a dear old friend. It’s a global crisis, mobilizing scientists around the world to stem the tide — before the next frog crosses the thin green line.

TV-PG; available in HD; photos available on PBS PressRoom®

Anonymous said...

I would guess he's been eating bugs, that's what most frogs eat.