Saturday, May 31, 2008

Life Imitates Art

What the CIA Learned From Get Smart: "Maxwell Smart always 'missed it by that much,' but some of those dopey spy shows of the '60s were right on the money. 'Many of the devices first seen in movies and on TV actually came about,' says Robert Wallace, former head of the CIA's covert skunk works, the Office of Technical Services. 'Remember the Cone of Silence? We built shielded enclosures that did the same thing."


pattinase (abbott) said...

Or Life imitates SMART.

mybillcrider said...


Fred Blosser said...

Saw a preview for the imminent GET SMART movie today. Reinforced my fear that the producers made a mistake in trying to have Steve Carell imitate the inimitable Don Adams. Doesnt' look like a good omen either that Dwayne the Rock Johnson appears to have equal billing with Carell and Anne Hathaway.

mybillcrider said...

Hathaway looks good, though.