Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Top 25 Raunchy Comedies

Hat tip to John Duke, who says he doesn't think some of these are very raunchy.

Best Raunchy Comedies: Moviefone Ranks the Top 25 - Moviefone: We would love to include the hilariously lewd 'Juno' on our list of the top 25 most outrageous, raunchy R-rated comedies of all time. Sadly, it's rated PG-13. But we didn't have a hard time finding 25 other brilliant flicks that contain copious amounts of swearing, drinking, fornicating and anything else that walks a fine line between offensive and outstanding.


Fred Blosser said...

I got as far as #24, THE BLUES BROTHERS, before I gave up out of 1)impatience with the slow-as-molasses download from my dial-up and 2) fear that they would probably include at least one more John Belushi, ANIMAL HOUSE. Sorry, Belushi fans, who are as numerous as swarming locusts, but in my opinion he was one of the most overrated "comics" in history (maybe you had to be watching through a filter of pot smoke), and I'd rather have fingernails pulled out with rusty tongs than watch ANIMAL HOUSE and THE BLUES BROTHERS again. I would applaud the fact that most of the first- and second-generation SNL people are now retired or otherwise not making many films, thank God -- except that the void has been filled by the likes of Will Ferrell and Ben Stiller, who are even more insufferable. I haven't seen JUNO, but I'll pass, thanks; from the publicity, it looks like another gold mine of entertainment an unwed teen pregnancy that ends happily. Right.

mybillcrider said...

I thought I'd hate Juno, too, but I saw the trailer and was almost won over. You can't trust my taste in movies, though. I even like Animal House.

Anonymous said...

Surely PORKY'S should be on this list. And just about anything by John Waters.

Fred Blosser said...

ANIMAL HOUSE made a gazillion dollars and is fondly remembered by most everyone, so I'm certainly in the small minority in my curmungeonly opinion -- maybe even a minority of one.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't USED CARS be on this list? Jack Warden is brilliant in it.