Monday, December 17, 2007

From Michael Smith at the Ace Image Library


It's the end of the semester (and academic year) - yeah - and I can get to fun stuff. In other words, writing HTML code and scanning ACE cover images. In addition, I want to thank all of the ACE IMAGE LIBRARY users who have sent new (or improved) images, artist and publication data, as well as questions and comments. There are a few questions that have been asked of me this year I have yet to respond to, but that's another part of the update process (for me).

The ACE IMAGE LIBRARY has had a substantial update in the POTPOURRI section. I have been using ADOBE GoLive coding software and have found a few problems that only I would have stumbled over. To make this section work much more elegantly, I have installed a new lead page for the POTPOURRI section that now provides you with links to separate pages for each of the Letter-Number series (both ACE Double and Singles). In addition, this year I have come across a series of collections of some of these odd and different volumes and have been putting them on the pages (but still not done, more to come).

I have also updated the WESTERN Doubles and Singles pages with more images and information. Please note I am still missing a couple of the ACE Doubles in this group and would appreciate any assistance from the AIL users.

The genres of MYSTERY and SCIENCE FICTION (both ACE Doubles and Singles) have had additional images installed, especially in the five-digit numerical series. Please note that a lot of the ACE publication lately (last 10 years or so) has been in Fantasy and I am still placing them with the Science Fiction pages (in part because some of them are cross-listed).

I have been compiling more artist information as well as new images of the original paintings, drawings, illustrations, or preliminary drawings. I have been aided by many people who have allowed me to place these these on the ACE IMAGE LIBRARY site and I thank them again for their permission.

So, have fun. Remember, all errors are mine and any corrections are always appreciated.

Best regards for an enjoyable and interesting New Year.



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