And now for a photo I thought was lost. It was sent to me by Al James, who can almost be seen at the left in the picture. The other two women are Elva Dobson and Katherine Anne Porter, and the gravestone marks the spot where Ms. Porter's mother is buried in the Indian Creek Cemetery.
I didn't get to go on this trip, but I like the picture anyway. Elva Dobson passed away a few years ago, but Al James is still alive and kicking.
I assume the Indian Creek cemetery is still there? I know the town isn't.
There's a statue of Porter that famed artist Lawrence Ludtke did for Fiesta Texas when it opened way back when. It was part of the "Texas Walk of Fame" or whatever the display was called. When Six Flags bought out the park, they gave all the statues to the city of San Antonio.
Ludtke, apparently, wanted the Porter statue (as well as one of LBJ) to go to Texas State University to displayed at the Katherine Anne Porter house in Kyle. San Antonio's city council decided they'd rather the statues remain buried away in a warehouse, unseen, because they're worth money after all.
Appropos of none of this, one of my little extra chores for the 595th Engineers in Nam was to get a movie from Special Services each night (or once a week--I forget). One time I saw that Ship of Fools was available. I hadn't seen it, but I had an idea that it was a real winner, so I signed it out. I also made a point of telling everyone in the company to be sure and catch Ship of Fools that night. Well, it was such a snorer that when the projectionist showed reel two out of order no one noticed. And no one was left to see it through to the end. Deep down in my heart, I always blamed K.A.P. for this fiasco.
James, the cemetery was still there in 1983. Haven't been back since. There were still a couple of buildings left where Indian Creek was, but that's been a long time.
Jayme, it would be nice if that statue could be at the house. I think KAP lived there longer than she did in Indian Creek.
I've seen that movie, Cap'n. 'Nuff said.
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