Friday, March 09, 2007


I have to admit that I didn't know until Beth Foxwell pointed it out that Mickey Spillane and William Campbell Gault shared this day as their birthday. Two great guys, two writers I've enjoyed for many years. Both gone now, and that's too bad.


Anonymous said...

Boy, does Blogger chew.

It just ate my comment about how Gault's my choice of artist, and I still need to track down the adult sports-fiction novels you and Richard Moore pointed me toward, but that the stack of tributes to Spillane's gentlemanliness was recently added to by the new issue of WORLD LITERATURE TODAY (hotlink on my name).

mybillcrider said...

Thanks, Todd. I've put the link a regular post for those who don't read the comments.

Cap'n Bob said...

I just realized I met Gault and Spillane over the same weekend, at the first Milwaukee Bouchercon.

mybillcrider said...

Me, too. What a great convention that was.