Two old lawmen who've out-lived their time sign on to bring a gold shipment down from a mine. It's the first job in a long time for Steve Judd (McRea). Gil Westrum (Scott) has been working as a Buffalo Bill knock-off in a carnival. His plan is to steal the gold with the help of his young partner, and he hopes to talk McRea into going along. Judd's too upright to do any such thing, of course, and in the end, so is Westrum, just as anybody who grew up watching them would know. When Scott comes riding up for the final showdown with the sorry Hammond brothers, I always feel like applauding.
There's a lot more going on in the movie than the plot, and I love the little touches in the opening scene when Judd thinks the townspeople are there to see him and not some race with a camel. And the scene where he wants to read his contract in private so he can use his glasses. And just about any scene where Scott's telling his young partner about Judd. And any scene where McCrea and Scott are together. Sometimes I tend to forget that both those men were actors, and good ones. Every time I watch this movie, I'm reminded of that, and they were never better than here, at least not as far as I'm concerned.
I first saw this movie more than 40 years ago. Judy and I were dating, and I took her to see it. We've both loved it ever since.
I'm a few years younger than you, Bill, and I haven't seen many westerns in shoebox theaters. But I'm a huge fan of Ride The High Country. It was a great way for Scott to bow out, and it's probably Sam Peckinpah's best film.
I think Ed nailed it. And Vince, thanks, but I know you're a lot more than a few years younger than I am. You're right about the movie, though.
I wish I'd seen in on the big screen. But I agree that it's a great movie and a great story about the decline of the Old West.
I agree with Vince's assessment that Ride the High Country is Peckinpah's best--I was never a Peckinpah fan, agreeing with Howard Hawks' gripe that he could kill 40 men in the time Sam took to kill one. I've decided that the ideal way for me to shuffle off this mortal coil is to go out just like Joel McCrea did at the film's end, with my best friend backing me up all the way.
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