Friday, December 16, 2005

Early Morning Visitor

I looked out in my back yard this morning, and this is what I saw.


Anonymous said...

Bill, that is so cool!

I hope you don't mind him hanging around. We have opossums in our yard all the time and they don't do us any harm. Some people aren't so understanding of course, and kill them. Or consider them giant rats. Not only are they mammals, but they are marsupials as well, which make them slightly superior to us since they have built in pockets. (We have to actually put on clothes to comfortably carry a wallet or car keys - they are born ready for this.)

A year and a half ago, we found a baby opossum in our swimming pool. I fished her out and dried her off. She was skin and bones, starving and dehydrated. I didn't think she would survive, but I took her in and fed her. I made many a mistake taking care of her at first (it's very hard to find accurate info about the care and feeding of opossums, even on the web), but she still lives with us and seems to be pretty healthy. She's as big as my forearm now and she's a very sweet pet. Much better natured than my cat, who is very jealous of her.

Opossums are very misunderstood creatures.

Just like writers.


mybillcrider said...

The possum wasn't afraid of me at all. I'm sure it's eating from the pet food bowls around the neighborhood. We have possums, squirrels, and raccoons around all the time.

Anonymous said...

We see possums around here, as well as raccoons, but that's the fattest, healthiest possum I think I've ever seen. :)

Anonymous said...

So, did you know Stilwell was going to be in town?

Anonymous said...

Jesus wept. I thought possums were supposed to be cute. Tell ya, if I saw that creature first thing in the morning, I would NOT be leaving the house. Not without a weapon. Anything that looks like it's saying, "I can smell your brain" tends to have that effect on me.

Cap'n Bob said...

I'm waiting for the follow up report on how tasty Judy's possum stew was that night. Ummmm um!

Unknown said...

I have met Terrill's opossum, and I can confirm the fact that she's a well-behaved, sweet pet. Even though she scared the living hell out of me at first.

Banjo Jones said...

them's good eatin'