This was a great signing. I don't know if Steve and Duane had worked together before, but they were a great team. I haven't had so many laughs in a long time. At the end of the evening Duane demonstrated his prowess at twisting the cap off a beer bottle in the crook of his elbow. Talk about tough!
And of course Duane is the editor of the forthcoming Damn Near Dead (the protagonists are "Old. Bold. Uncontrolled.") from David Thompson's Busted Flush Press. The flyer to the right gives details, such as the names of the contributors. I'm happy to say my name is included, along with host of others. Click on the picture to enlarge it and you might be able to read the names. There'll be a signing for the book at Murder by the Book on May 8. Be there or be square.
I saw Laura Lippman's name. Now I know why you're going to be there, you rascal.
You can see my name... cool!
Actually, Laura's not going to be at the Noir Night event... the flyer shows the authors that have contributed to DAMN NEAR DEAD. The authors scheduled for Noir Night (Monday, May 8, at Houston's Murder By The Book) include Bill Crider, Ken Bruen, Reed Farrel Coleman, Jason Starr, and Duane Swierczynski, all of whom have stories in DAMN NEAR DEAD. Shamus Award winner Peter Spiegelman will be there, too. Laura is ALWAYS welcome here, but there are no plans for her right now. :-)
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