Monday, November 07, 2005

Once Upon a Time . . .

. . . I was Sean McIver, for a series of books that never saw the light of print. This was the first in the series, and I thought it was a pretty good one. I suppose that Sean McIver wasn't destined to be a household name, though the cover lingers on. It was probably better than the book, in fact. It turns up on the Internet now and then.


Jayme Lynn Blaschke said...

Not a bad cover. Shame the books weren't published. I assume the check cleared, at least?

mybillcrider said...

Yep, the check cleared. It was a pretty good one, too.

Juri said...

What's the book about? Something about post-nuclear disaster? The cover seems to me to imply that.

Anonymous said...

Can you tell us a little about what the books were about. Are they ever going to be published? In this day and age I'm sure the answer is no. Thanks

mybillcrider said...

The books were of all kinds: westerns, adventure stories, war stories. They all involved plenty of sex, but only between married couples. I'm sure they'll never be published now, but it was an interesting experience all around.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, what a quick response. I check out your blog every day just to see what you have to say. I am amazed at the stuff you put out here. Thanks again...........