The book is worth its price for the intro and bibliography alone, but it also contains two novels, The Ham Reporter and The Disappearance of Penny. The first is a historical novel about Bat Masterson in the days when he was a sportswriter in New York City, where he teams up with Damon Runyon to look for a missing friend. This is probably my favorite of Randisi's books, but I also like The Disappearance of Penny, which was the first of his books that I ever read. It's about Henry Po, who works for the New York Racing Commission, and once again there's a missing person. It's Randisi's first published novel, which I have in a nice old paperback that's become fairly hard to find. Thanks to Stark House, you can now read it without having to search for it.
This new double volume isn't available until December. Put it on your Christmas list.
Damn Bill,
I'm going broke with all these books.
I have The Ham Reporter but have never seen a copy of Penny. Sounds like a great chance to fill that gap.
Is "Penny" really that rare? I once bought two of them at one euro (roughly 80 cents) at the same time. Gave the other one to a friend. (And this is in Finland.)
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