Just LIke Heaven
Well, it's happened again. While you were watching Garcon Stupide or maybe The Constant Gardner, I was out rotting my brain cells at Just Like Heaven, which is so predictable that you may find yourself reciting all the plot points after you've seen the first ten minutes. That doesn't mean that Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo aren't charming enough to pull it off. They are. Even when the movie is violating its own internal logic, you might not care because it's big-hearted and funny.
I wanted to see Lord of War, I really did, but the sad fact of the matter is that I now choose movies pretty much by the times of their screenings, and Lord of War just didn't work. That's OK. I had a few laughs and didn't feel terribly manipulated (since I pretty much knew what was coming). What more can you ask for two bucks?
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