Sunday, May 21, 2017

Seduction of the Innocent!

The Psychiatrist Who Almost Brought Down the Comic Book Industry: Superheroes are used to dealing with mad scientists, lumbering monsters, and would-be dictators on the page, but in the real world of the mid-1950s, their biggest threat came from the words of Dr. Fredric Wertham, a psychiatrist who led a public crusade that almost destroyed the comic book industry.


Jeff Meyerson said...


Don Coffin said...

In Indianapolis in the late 1950s and early 1960s, there would be occasional bots of hysteria about comic books. And then the hysteria would fade away for a couple of years. I remember being told in Sunday School (before I dropped out) that Wonder Woman was a bad influence on little girls. Figured out later what that meant...

Deb said...

Some people can only function if they create hate objects and scapegoats.