Monday, April 20, 2015

I Miss the Old Days

20 Things Our Parents Did To Us That Would Be Considered Horrible Now


Jeff Meyerson said...

My favorite is definitely the "stroller" in the kitchen.

When we were kids we were sent to the store (or to the machine in the lobby of the apartment building across the street) to get our parents cigarettes regularly.


mybillcrider said...

My father would give me a quarter, and I'd go to Mrs. Hall's little store and buy him a pack of Camels. With the nickel in change, I'd buy myself a Dr Pepper.

Jeff Meyerson said...

Even then the stores weren't supposed to sell cigarettes to kids but the guy on the corner knew us and knew it was for our parents.


Deb said...

I sent this article to my siblings and my brother reminded me of how we would get on our bikes and follow the mosquito fumigation truck around the neighborhood. God knows what we were inhaling from that!

mybillcrider said...

Sometimes when I'm jogging in the morning, the spraying truck comes around. I try to avoid it, but there's not much chance of it.