Saturday, April 12, 2014

Today's Vintage Ad


Todd Mason said...

Wow. Bragging of QUEEN FOR A DAY and COUNTERSPY...well, chutzpah wasn't recently invented...

verifiction: srulost conclusion

mybillcrider said...

Most of those came on the air after we had a TV set, at which point radio died for a while at our house. Then I got a set in the bedroom I shared with my brother, and I listened to a few shows at night when I was reading.

Todd Mason said...

Wow...that must've been a rather attenuated experience. For some of those MBS programs, however, it might be the only way to take them.

I find I can do most of the more left-brain aspects of my job while listening to drama or other spoken-word recordings, but music is much more (unsurprisingly) intrusive on those tasks.

mybillcrider said...

There was a time when listening to the radio or watching TV while reading was easy for me. Now it's not. Years ago, I wrote novels with the radio playing the Houston Astros game and with music playing on the computer at the same time. That probably explains a lot, though I didn't think I was affected by it. Now I hardly even listen to music while I work or even when I'm just doing comments like this one.