Saturday, March 01, 2014


Michael Avallone, Krakatoa, East of Java, Signet, 1961


Anonymous said...

"But Mike. SUrely Krakatoa is west of Java?"

"Shut up. I'm writing in Ed Noon. And don't call me Shirley."


Rick Robinson said...

didn't read the book, saw the movie...

Stephen Mertz said...

The fault of the title's geographical screw-up is that of the movie makers, not the guy who wrote the novelization. Avallone actually named this as his favorite novelization, and it's not bad, though I think most would nominate that of the Fuller film, "Shock Corridor." My personal favorite is a WWII movie novelization called "Hornet's Nest," which (based on its own merits) is a tight little action novel.

mybillcrider said...

I have Shock Corridor but not Hornet's Nest. Gotta look around for that one.