Tuesday, June 25, 2013

JG Ballard Predicted Social Media In 1977

JG Ballard Predicted Social Media In 1977


Deb said...

His first four novels (The Wind from Nowhere, The Drowned World, The Burning World, and The Crystal World) also predict great environmental disasters. And his novel High Rise predicts the consequences of living in a technological caccoon, cut off from others. Not a comfortable writer, but a forward thinking one.

Deb said...

I'd also add his novel Running Wild is a very accurate predictor about what happens to children who are raised with all the material goods they want and no compassion or empathy. I think we're seeing a lot of that today.

/Stay off my lawn!

mybillcrider said...

I haven't read that one, Deb. I'll look around for a copy.