Thursday, April 04, 2013

What? No Danger:Dinosaurs!

10 Essential Books Featuring Dinosaurs in Science Fiction

Link via SF Signal.


James Reasoner said...

I've read some of those books, and they're pretty good, but DANGER: DINOSAURS! really needs to be on any such list. It was probably my favorite book in the world when I was in fifth grade, it holds up well, and it's pretty solid time paradox SF.

Michael E. Stamm said...

It's been over 40 years since I read it, and I don't remember much about it--but DANGER: DINOSAURS! was one of my favorites when I was in grade school and junior high, and definitely belongs on such a list. I would also add Vladimir Obruchev's PLUTONIA, which I read and loved at about the same age.

Tom Johnson said...

Ah, darn, mine didn't even get a favorable mention (lol). Hey, James, they should read our "Jur: A Story of Pre Dawn Earth", right?

Fred Blosser said...

Here's another shout-out for DANGER, DINOSAURS!, which I remember less for the dinos than for the bit about the protagonist's brother. Am I remembering correctly? The brother dies during the travel back to the Jurassic, and because, technically, he died before he was born, he's a Person Who Never Was, and begins to fade from his brother's memory. Also, where are Caspak, Pellucidar, and Pal-Ul-Don?