Mee too. Though I do own an iPhone, I rarely use it or carry it except for possible emergency reasons, and do not know my phone number for it, nor does anyone else except the wife.
The only things I get on my landline are telemarketers calls from politicians running for office. I went for the cheapest thing AT&T offers, but I don't have a phone plugged into it. I keep it around in case of a power outage. Since phones have their own power source.
I wouldn't worry about landlines going dead anytime soon. Just try canceling yours. A nice little customer service rep at the phone company will all but beg you not to.
I have to tell you guys, we had the same problem as Elizabeth - no calls but political ads and salesmen - and we got rid of our landline a few years ago now. Jackie was talking about getting another one just because she prefers the "real" handset but that's not likely. We've gotten used to cell phones only and most calls we make are too each other.
I get more telemarketers than I uased to on the landline. One wonders if the no-call list died somewhere along the way. I have a basic cell phone I only use for emergencies(the landline is part of my cable package s it goes out with the power).
Mee too. Though I do own an iPhone, I rarely use it or carry it except for possible emergency reasons, and do not know my phone number for it, nor does anyone else except the wife.
The only things I get on my landline are telemarketers calls from politicians running for office. I went for the cheapest thing AT&T offers, but I don't have a phone plugged into it. I keep it around in case of a power outage. Since phones have their own power source.
I wouldn't worry about landlines going dead anytime soon. Just try canceling yours. A nice little customer service rep at the phone company will all but beg you not to.
I have to tell you guys, we had the same problem as Elizabeth - no calls but political ads and salesmen - and we got rid of our landline a few years ago now. Jackie was talking about getting another one just because she prefers the "real" handset but that's not likely. We've gotten used to cell phones only and most calls we make are too each other.
I get more telemarketers than I uased to on the landline. One wonders if the no-call list died somewhere along the way. I have a basic cell phone I only use for emergencies(the landline is part of my cable package s it goes out with the power).
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