Monday, December 12, 2011

PimPage: An Occasional Feature in Which I Call Interesting Books to Your Attention

First, go read this interview with Anthony Neil Smith. Then you'll definitely want to buy his book, which I've just finished and which I highly recommend.

All The Young Warriors eBook: Anthony Neil Smith: When two of the Twin Cities' “Lost Boys” — young Somali men drafted to fight for terrorists back in the homeland — kill a pair of cops on his home turf, detective Ray Bleeker is left devastated. One of the dead cops was his girlfriend.

The investigation grinds to a halt when he discovers that the young murderers have fled to Somalia to fight in the rebel army. He's at his wits' end when the father of one of the boys, an ex-gang leader named Mustafa, comes looking for answers, wanting to clear his son's name and refusing to take no for an answer.

Bleeker and Mustafa form an uneasy alliance, teaming up to help bring the boys back home to stand trial. But little do they know what Somalia has in store for them.

Murder, warfare, piracy, love, betrayal and revenge. ALL THE YOUNG WARRIORS is an epic thriller that will have you white-knuckling your eReader all through the night.


Paul Bishop said...

Wow! Not my normal read, but the set-up sounds terrific ...

Mel Odom said...

Can't get it on Kindle in America. :(

mybillcrider said...

I changed the link to the U. S. version, Mel.

Gerard said...

Never heard of him.

Gerard said...

(But the writing workshop he did at the library was well received.)

Gerard Saylor said...

OK, I'm still feeling that I sounded like a tool. To clarify, I endorse Smith's abilities as both a teacher and a novelist. I've already read about 2.5 chapters of Young.