Saturday, August 01, 2009

New Blog on the Block

Do Some Damage: "What is Do Some Damage?

Seven writers. Seven voices. One blog.

Mission statements are for soldiers and themes are for superheroes. Ideas are what it’s all about, and we have a few.

Writing can be lonely. Sitting at a desk typing. Walking in the park thinking. Throwing things at the wall screaming. These are not things that we do in polite company. But who says we have to be polite?

This Web site is a collaboration of seven crime writers sharing their thoughts on reading, writing, publication and modern media. What is the future of crime writing? And which bits of the past are worth keeping?

There will be something here for all crime fiction fans. Looking for reviews, recommendations and interviews? Stick around because some really cool things are on the way. If you’re an aspiring writer, looking for tips on how to break a story or an insight into how the publishing industry works, keep reading. Already involved in the industry? We’ll be asking some interesting questions and inviting you clever folks with such great taste to join in the discussion."


Steve Weddle said...

Thanks for mentioning the blog. Six really talented guys and me to write about crime fiction each week.
Now I have to go read some Sheriff Dan Rhodes books.

mybillcrider said...

Everyone should be doing that.