Tuesday, January 06, 2009

And Yet PUSHING DAISIES was Canceled

The Media Equation - A Star Turn for a Sheriff on Reality TV - NYTimes.com: "With his reputation for being tough on crime and his way with a good quote, Joseph M. Arpaio, the sheriff and jailer of Maricopa County in Arizona would seem to be a reality show waiting to happen.

The wait is over. In the last two weeks, the Fox Reality Channel has broadcast “Smile ...You’re Under Arrest,” a prank-fueled effort to bring nonviolent offenders with outstanding warrants in or near Phoenix to justice.

Television producers, with Mr. Arpaio’s enthusiastic assent, sent out notices to scofflaws suggesting that they had won a contest and need only show up to claim a $300 prize. Once there, they are hoodwinked into participating in fake fashion shows or movie shoots before uniformed deputies come out from behind the curtain and slap bracelets on them."

Hat tip to Vince Keenan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Cap'n Bob is a big Sheriff Joe fan.
