Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Most Interesting Man in the World

Have you seen those Dos Equis ads? Is it just me, or does that guy seem like a complete dork? Or maybe that's the point.


Graham Powell said...

I think it's supposed to be caricature of the 1960s perfect man - written by people like me who grew up in the 70s and 80s.

mybillcrider said...

So why would that make me want to drink Dos Equis? I guess my sense of humor has disappeared. I find the ads really dumb.

Anonymous said...

Dork Equis?
Given Madison Ave:
Dumb = funny,
Funny = memorable,
Memorable = buy some!
--Thomas Miller

Anonymous said...

For all the Bill Crider's out there: It's OK that you don't understand this, your not supposed to -- it wasn't aimed at you.

mybillcrider said...

That about covers it.