Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ursula Andress!

Okay, so I'm one day late. I still want to post a photo. Nobody who saw Dr. No is likely to have forgotten Honey Rider's appearance from the sea.


Anonymous said...

A little bland (or, in this shot, pole-axe-to-the-scalp dumbstruck) in the face, maybe. And yes, even with a physique such as hers, I tend to look at her face, as well. Particularly rather than looking at any particular part of me (hey, it Feels like I have hair up there, it just doesn't Look that way). But, yes, not hard to ponder.

mybillcrider said...

I didn't find a good copy of the shot of her emerging from the waves. Too bad, because it's a great one.

Doc Quatermass said...

Shame they couldn't do the scene from the book where Bond comes upon her (now! now!)on the beach of Dr. No's island and she is nude and covers her bush with one hand and her bent nose (due to having been broken broken at some point in her life) with the other and leaves her breasts exposed.