Monday, March 26, 2007

There's a Lot of this Going Around

Thanks to Karin Montin for the link.

Top News- Housewife Convicted of Frying Husband - AOL News: "A Brazilian housewife was convicted and sentenced to 19 years in prison Friday for killing her husband, chopping his body into small pieces and frying it. Rosanita Nery dos Santos, 52, drugged her husband in his sleep, then stabbed him to death two years ago in Salvador, about 900 miles northeast of Sao Paulo, said police spokesman Idmar Bonfim.

She then hacked Jose Raimundo Soares dos Santos' body into more than 100 pieces, which she boiled and fried before hiding in plastic bags beneath a staircase in her house, Bonfim said. He said police discovered the body parts after receiving an anonymous phone call."


Cap'n Bob said...

Reminds me of an old joke about the widow frying a penis. I won't tell it here, however, what with sensitive cardiac patients eavesdropping.

Dave Zeltserman said...

I read about the same thing happening in the States just a couple of days ago. A guy killed his former girlfriend, chopped her up, was barbecuing the pieces for a couple of days, until the neighbors who were smelling the smoke called the police. A new trend in disposing bodies...

mybillcrider said...

That happened in Houston, Dave, right up the road from us here in Alvin.