Prayers for the Assassin -- Robert Ferrigno
I wanted to like this book more than I did. It's what the movie guys call "a futuristic thriller," set in 2044 in an America that's dominated by Muslim culture and religion. While it could have been marketed as science fiction, the publishers must have thought that would be the kiss of death. It might also have invited comparisons with George Alec Effinger's series of novels about Marid Audran, books which I believe to a much better job of picturing what the world would be like in a future where the Muslims run things.
That's not to say that Ferrigno's book isn't effective in some ways. The thriller elements work very well indeed, and if that's what you're looking for, you'll certainly find them. Someone's probably working on the screen play even now.
Ferrigno's a writer whose work deserves to be better known, but I'd suggest that you start with one of his other novels like Scavenger Hunt or Heart Breaker.
And for a slightly different take on Prayers for the Assassin today, check out Vince Keenan's blog.
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