Sunday, April 08, 2012

Joe R. Lansdale Update

Joe R. Lansdale is a Fresh Discovery, Decades in the Making


Bud said...

Can the NYT be far behind? Our fight (as fans) for his recognition by the "lit'rary establishment" is done!I imagine Mr. L. could care less 8-)
He'll just continue to spin out the good stuff in written and spoken words and us fans will continue to revel in enjoyment!

Stephen B. said...

It was quite a number of years since I was introduced and loved Lansdale books.

Including THE DRIVE-IN and a Batman book and later some of the Hap & Leonard books.

The famous quote was my friend, Mike, who handed me a book to borrow and I think it was: "If Clive Barker and Douglas Adams got together and had a kid, the writer would be this author Lansdale" -- so true.