Monday, May 06, 2013


Peter O'Donnell, I, Lucifer, Crest, 1969


Charles Gramlich said...

I need a bit o modesty

Tom Johnson said...

Darn it, that's one I'm missing. Reminds me, I need to find this one and three others. I've got the rest. Great series. I like it better than James Bond.

mybillcrider said...

I don't know how many are in the series, but I have quite a few, including the short story collection.

Tom Johnson said...

13 novels, plus the comic books. I think there were two short story collections, actually. Pieces of Modesty and The Cobra. I believe those were the only books. I have nine, but need the others.

mybillcrider said...

Right. I'm missing The Cobra. I forgot about that one. I don't have all the novels, either. Titan books is reprinting the newspaper comic strips now, and I have one or two of those collections.