Friday, July 22, 2016

Worse news

Very aggressive form of carcinoma. Looks bad. Love to you all. 


Howard said...

OMG, Bill. I am at a loss for words.

lastromantic49 said...

Love back Bill. We're all pulling for you!

BVLawson said...

So sorry to hear that, Bill. Can you try and get in one of the clinical trials that are using the latest therapies like immunotherapy or virotherapy (using a virus)? Hoping and praying you can beat this!

Laura said...

Sending prayers and good wishes your way.

Best wishes,

John Scalzi said...

You're in my family's thoughts today, Bill.

Rick Ollerman said...

We're all thinking of you in my neck of the woods, Bill....

J. Kingston Pierce said...

My good wishes are flowing your way. Try to keep up your confidence at this difficult time. We're all in your corner, Bill.

Rusty said...

Best wishes.

Matthew said...

That's horrible. I'll be praying for you.

Steve Hamilton said...

Thinking of you today, Bill...

Jonathan said...

So sorry to hear this. Get well soon.

Lee Goldberg said...

Oh my God, Bill, I am heartbroken to hear this...and I'm hoping the doctors are wrong.

Erin said...

Sending you nothing but love, Bill. At the crime writing festival in Harrogate, Yorkshire today many folks were asking how you're doing, and all are sending their best energies in all forms.

Jeff Meyerson said...

Oh, man. There is nothing to say except expletives. This is just awful.

Please don't give up. You are in our thoughts almost constantly.

CNM said...

I hope and pray a medical miracle is heading your way. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. Life just needs to quit kicking your--pardon my language--butt.

ShellyS said...

So sorry. :(

Unknown said...

Prayers. Prayers. More prayers.


Bill: Pamela Ross here from the Pod. Just heard the news. I have always thought of you as a strong, hard-working, dedicated man. YOU CAN DO THIS. I know you are surrounded by people who will help you. Sending you love and gentle hugs. xoxox


Vince said...

Gutted to hear this, Bill. Sending all our best to you.

Greg Daniel said...

I am sorry to hear this, Bill, Continued prayers for you and yours. Don't discount the miracles that come from strong will, the love of good friends & family, and lots of prayer.

John Stickney said...

Thoughts and prayers with you.

Adventuresfantastic said...

Crap. I hate to hear this. I'll be praying for you. Hang in there.

Dan said...

A whole host of people out here sending you love & hoping for the best.

Todd Mason said...

Please let us know, as much and if and when you want to, how things are going and anything we can do,. (Tapdancing, however, is out of the question, as some of us resemble Peter Boyle in YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN thus. Unless that's desired.)

Janet Rudolph said...

Sending love and hugs and prayers for the best...

piggie zee said...

Prayers being said, candles being lit, thoughts and energy being sent. This news sucks.

Steph said...

I'd like to have a way to fix this. Please try to stay hopeful--keep an open mind.
Sending love from Oregon.

Mike Dennis said...

Hope the doctors have it wrong, Bill. Meanwhile, more prayers for down here at the end of the road.

Bill Pronzini said...

Terrible news. Keeping the faith that you and the docs are able to beat this.

Timothy Hallinan said...

All our love, hope, and support to you, Bill.

Cullen Gallagher said...

Keeping you in my thoughts, Bill. Wishing you all my best.

maggie said...

So sorry to hear this. But you're a fighter, and I have hopes you can beat all odds.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Sandi and I are devastated and think of you and the family. Counting on you to beat this damn thing.

Tina Karelson said...

So sad to hear this, Bill. I'm sending good thoughts in your direction.

Timothy Hallinan said...

All our love, hope, and support to you, Bill.

joe lansdale said...

Love you, Bill. Entire Lansdale clan is thinking of you.

Richard Moore said...

This breaks my heart and it will Becky's as well. There's a lot of progress being made and you are near one of the best cancer centers. Cancer is an unpredictable thing. My cancer looked to be very aggressive back in 1999-2000 but reasons unknown to me or my doctors, it slowed to a crawl. It can does happen. Love to you Bill!!

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

Bill, sorry to hear this. Praying for your speedy treatment and recovery. God bless you in every way.

Unknown said...

I know you are not an aggressive person but fight this aggressively, Bill. We all need you to brighten our days. I think you may not understand what a positive influence you are on people everywhere. You are the best.

Julia Buckley said...

Sending prayers and healing thoughts to a wonderful person.

Kay Finch said...

I'll be praying for a miraculous recovery, Bill. You mean a lot to a lot of us. Hugs.

pattinase (abbott) said...

So sorry to hear this. Sorrier than I can possibly say.

Susan Frank said...

I need better words, but these are all I got. Beat this f*cker. This world needs your kind and generous spirit HERE. *I* need your kind and generous spirit HERE.

Cap'n Bob said...

This is so wrong. Wrong in every way. I'm not religious but if there's a greater power out there I hope he, she, or it steps in and works some mojo on you. You don't know how important you are to my life and I thank you.

Sara Jane Boyers said...

Lots of kittie and truly prayful thoughts, Bill. Hope for great strength and some good procedures/cures for you right now. Sara

Carol G said...

Bill, Ed and I are thinking of you, saying prayers, and singing your praises. You're a wonderful guy. We--all of us--need your kind of people. Ed will write you tomorrow.


Max Allan Collins said...

Love you, Bill.

Anonymous said...

Friday night after midnight, going into Saturday. I'm fully jolted awake now. I'm devastated by your diagnosis, my wise and gentle friend from the Lone Star State, and hope that a surefire treatment - with minimum side effects - is available to exorcise this particular demon.If I can do anything, please let me know. Judging from the responses, I suspect you have a legion of rough 'n ready pardners ready to do the same. Jeff from PA.

Jane Yolen said...

Bill--just heard. This thing is a beast. But you have always been a lion tamer. Here's a chair and a whip. Counting on you.


Mike Doran said...

As someone once said in a similar circumstance:

Damn And Double Damn.

We can ill afford to lose any more Good Guys.

Stick around, OK?

Fiona L. Woods said...

No matter how bleak the doctors paint the picture, they don't know everything. There are always exceptions ... And you my friend are the exception.

Lawrence Person said...

Condolences. Hope you beat it.

Still coming to Armadillocon?

K. A. Laity said...

All my best to you, Bill. Fingers and toes crossed.

SteveHL said...

I've never met you, but after years of reading your books and your blog, I know what a great guy you are. All the best.

Lisa said...

So sorry, praying for you.

Deb said...

Nothing to say but that I'm sending up thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Aubrey Hamilton said...

Holding you close in my thoughts. We need you here.

Carol said...

This is indeed worse news. Charlie and I have our fingers crossed for you.

David Cranmer said...

Love you, Bill.

Doug Greene said...

I have survived 2 different typed of cancer (one of which has returned twice). Treatments are very effective these days. You will make it!

Jerry House said...

Well, now I'm pissed.

Hang in there, my friend.

Annette said...

Love you, Bill. Stay strong and know that you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Mark Drew said...

Best wishes - Hang in there !!

J. Juday said...

You are in my thoughts, Bill.

Rick said...

I'm very sorry, Bill. But don't lose hope. A positive outlook can't hurt and studies have shown that it very well may help.
As all these comments show, people cherish you, and are sending good wishes and prayers your way..

Rick Libott

Anonymous said...

Stay strong, Bill. Look at all these supportive comments and realize that if the well wishes and love of your friends and readers were translated directly into reality that you would be the healthiest man on the planet.

John Hocking

Craig Zablo said...

Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.

Anonymous said...

Please take care in this difficult time and know that you have touched so many other people.

Paul Dionne said...

Your fans wish you the best, take care

paul dionne

Neil said...

Can't they move your brain from your body into a robot that can crush semi-trucks?

Can't they upload your consciousness to a computer that knows and sees all?

Damn it, anything but this!

Charles Gramlich said...

No, no no. Hoping for the best

Michael Bracken said...

Just like everyone who has already commented, my thoughts and prayers are with you, Bill.

Mike Stamm said...

I'm already about to lose one friend this year; I REALLY don't want lose another one, not for many years yet, anyhow. I hope there's a treatment plan for this; I'm thinking of you.

Unknown said...

I just don't know what to say. We've emailed just about every day for nearly 30 years. I hope there's something they can do at M.D. Anderson.

James Reasoner said...

It's taken me a while to be able to say anything about this without choking up. Bill, you've been my best friend in this business since 1978, you're like a brother to me, and we all love you. All of us out here who read your blog and your books and see you at conventions and trade e-mails (and in the old days, hundreds of letters) with you. So you need to beat this and beat it good. Our prayers are with you.

John said...

Dear Bill, we've never corresponded, but I feel as if I almost know you. You've given me many hours of entertainment and pleasure. God keep and bless you. You'll be in my prayers every day.

John Woolley

Cindy B said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. Best wishes for a successful treatment.

Rick Robinson said...

Been staring out the window into the grey morning ever since I opened the blog and saw this post. I've had tears in my eyes much of the time, so saddened by this news am I. I know there are medical steps to be taken, but this is a difficult diagnosis as you well know. Courage, my friend, courage. Find solace where you may. God bless you.

Unknown said...

Fight, fight, fight, Bill. All of our best wishes to you. There are amazing therapies out there, which many of my family and friends can attest to.

Theresa de Valence said...

Dear Bill, you've been in my thoughts.

Karin said...

So sorry to hear this news. I wish you an effective treatment and swift recovery.

Elizabeth said...

Prayers & best wishes.

Kaye George said...

I'm hoping and praying for the very best for you, Bill. Thanks for updating your friends and fans.

michael said...

I am gutted. Not sure what to say except that I was lucky enough to have beaten renal cancer and my sister survived pancreatic cancer. Sometimes praying can work and miracles happen.

Unknown said...

Dr. Bill, I am very sad to hear this I sit here, I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes.

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even [though] we're apart...I'll always be with you." --A. A. Milne, Winnie - the - Pooh

There are many of us who are standing with you in prayer and belief that you will be the victor in this battle! You can be assured of my love to you and Angela and Allen, as well as many prayers, without ceasing, storming heaven! Y

David Corbett said...

Once you've recovered from the gut punch, Bill, there will be a slew of meetings with doctors and a plan will get established, at which point the strange, arduous march toward survival will begin. I have a feeling you will be masterful at taking each step as it comes. May there be many, many of them.

Unknown said...

Oh Bill, so sad, you're in my thoughts and prayers, can I hug you?

Debra H. Goldstein said...

Round one - the diagnosis (sucker punch)
Round two - the tests (ouch)
Round three - Bill uses a right hook
Round Four - Fancy Footwork (and it isn't the cats)
Round Five - Bill knocks the bugger down and wins in a knockout.

Good-wishes, thoughts, and cheers for you coming from your corner.

Krauss said...

Thoughts are with you, Bill.

Gerard Saylor said...

Once again, my very best wishes.

Anonymous said...

A thunder storm knocked me off-line today

reading your note knocked the wind out of me

for someone I have never met your words and your stories mean a lot to me

thinking about you

david middleton

Caroline Clemmons said...

Anyone who has met you or read your books knows your strong character. About a gazillion of us are pulling for you to beat this devilish disease. We know you can. Blessings on you and your family--and you kitties.

Ken said...

Dreadful hand you have been dealt Bill. Never met you but I have had an insight into your character through your entertaining blog. Suffice to say that you appear to be a very decent man. Hoping for the best!


Anonymous said...

Not for me to surmise, but I assume the cancer diagnosis relates to your previously reported kidney problem. Renal cell carcinoma? If so, that can be beaten, although I do understand there are five different types. In September 2014, I underwent a partial nephrectomy. Being a major and lengthy operation, it laid me low for a while -- couldn't mow lawns, etc. -- but I'm still around today. And a couple of CT body scans since the surgery have confirmed its favorable outcome. Good luck, Bill!

Anonymous said...

Just looked back and noted your brief "not kidneys" post, Bill. None the less, my thoughts remain the same. Lymphoma can also be managed. Significant advances are being made. Let's hope for the best.

Anonymous said...

My best to you, sir.

Unknown said...

I wish you nothing but the best !
Please remain as positive as possible.
