Modern Masterpieces of Science Fiction is an excellent historical introduction to the field, including some of the best stories of the 1940s and 1950s. It includes a long historical and critical essay by Moskowitz. (See also Masterpieces of Science Fiction, a collection of historical, pre 1940, SF.)
- Introduction by Sam Moskowitz
- "The Vortex Blasters" by Edward E. Smith, Ph.D.
- "Night" by John W. Campbell
- "A Logic Named Joe" by Murray Leinster
- "Requiem" by Edmond Hamilton
- "With Folded Hands..." by jack Williamson
- "Adaptation" by John Wyndham
- "The Witness" by Eric Frank Russell
- "The Command" by L. Sprague de Camp
- "Kindness" by Lester del Rey
- "...We Also Walk Dogs" by Robert A. Heinlein
- "The Enchanted Village" by A. E. van Vogt
- "Liar" by Isaac Asimov
- "Microcosmic God" by Theodore Sturgeon
- "Huddling Place" by Clifford D. Simak
- "Coming Attraction" by Fritz Leiber
- "Doorway into Time" by C. L. Moore
- "We Guard the Black Planet!" by henry Kuttner
- "The Strange Flight of Richard Clayton" by Robert Bloch
- "Wake for the Living" by Ray Bradbury
- "Before Eden" by Arthur C. Clarke
- "Mother" by Philip Jose Farmer
I ordered the full edition. Long, long ago, I owned that shortened paperback edition.
I've read them all but the Kuttner, other places, other times. Interesting collection.
It's a slice through newsstand sf from about 1930-1950 (maybe 1928-53), definitely. Moskowitz always ready to stand up for the pioneer years of sf magazine publishing. And shout. A lot.
On Patti Abbott's site, it says the book you are writing about is The Vortex Blister. I was expecting to read about the adventures of an interstellar podiatrist
Sounds like a classic begging to be written!
Dibs. See Patti's blog.
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