So I put Shot in Detroit aside and wrote what seemed like a more salable novel, Concrete Angel. Guess what, I still wrote an unlikable character. Even more so perhaps. But she was balanced by a daughter who earned the reader's sympathy. Christine Moran was a Mildred Pierce and her mother, Eve, a Veda for those familiar with the novel.
Concrete Angel was more palatable in its structure too. It started with a big scene. As one editor said of SID, I shouldn't have to read forty pages before a crime occurs. And the crimes come fast and often in Concrete Angel.
I was ready to return to Shot and bring some of the devices I had learned in Concrete Angel into the story. I toned down Violet's more unpalatable traits. I worked to make Violet's consideration of her project deeper. Was she exploiting the black men she photographed or honoring them? This would be the main thrust of the novel--not the project itself or the crimes Violet becomes involved with along the way.
So each book ended up teaching me something I could use in the other. But neither taught me how to write a book about nice people. That would be a real feat. Shortly before my mother died, she said she wished either Megan or I would write an uplifting book. Ballykissangel was her favorite series. Hamish Macbeth-"write about a policeman like him," she said. I wish I could. Maybe if I lived in a village in Ireland or Scotland. But not writing from outside Detroit. Never from here.
You know, ever since I read about this I had a feeling of deja vu, thinking "this is awfully familiar." I went back and checked my copy of Patti's collection of stories, MONKEY JUSTICE, and there it was - "Raising the Dead." It's a very good story, and I will be curious to see how the novel compares. One thing: the story is third person, the book is first person.
It'd be interesting to compare the differences and similarities.
I'm looking forward to reading it.
I really enjoyed the book. A lot.
When it looked like the book would never be published, I made a short story out of some of it. You hate to have things go to waste.
How's number 3 coming along, Patti?
Convinced me to buy them both...good job Patti
There is a kernel of #3 but these two have taken so much of my time....not sure.
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