Sunday, November 01, 2015

Fred Thompson, R. I. P.

Former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson dies at 73: Fred Thompson, a former U.S. senator for Tennessee, GOP presidential candidate, Watergate attorney and longtime "Law and Order" star, has died.


Deb said...

Don't forget that wonderful basso-profundo of a voice! RIP, Fred.

Dan_Luft said...

He was also counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee. He has long sideburns in the old photos.

August West said...

A Great American.

RHovey, CA said...

Ahhh. Those Russians are gonna find that sub before we do anyway. Son, the Russians don't take a dump without a plan…

Tom Johnson said...

I'll always remember him from BABY'S DAY OUT. He always looked, and sounded, sincere. I wonder what kind of president he would have made.

Nocomme1 said...

To our discredit we seem to be producing fewer and fewer men like Thompson. He was a real man in the old-fashioned meaning of the term. He will be missed.