It seems that a lot of these coming of age books focus on a character who's a little bit of an outsider. In this case it's Guy Fowler, a very small guy, but smart. He becomes the buddy of the high-school football hero, Corky Henderson, who's naturally dating the most popular girl in school, a cheerleader named Ro-Anne. And then there's Amy Silversteen, brainy but unbeautiful, who becomes Guy's friend. Things change for all of them over the course of the novel, and not necessarily for the better. Some grow and adjust better than others, as is always the case. Bad things happen to some of them, too, and there's a concluding chapter set at a high-school reunion that allows us to see them a few years down the road.
I always get a kick out of books like this, and while I didn't enjoy this one quite as much as some of the others I've read, I'm glad I happened to run across it at a library sale and pick it up. It was a nice find.
The book was published in 1977, and David Marlow is still writing, and you can read about him at his website.
OK, now this is more like it. I remember another one you recommended, about the guy who buys his old high school and lives there for a year. (VIC HOLYFIELD AND THE CLASS OF 1957.)
I looked up the Marlow and apparently it is set "off the Southern State Parkway" in Nassau County. Now I really need to get a copy.
OK, got a copy for $3.59 including shipping.
That's one thing I don't love about the old days - no internet.
Yeah, but the Internet does take the fun out of the hunt.
By the way, VIC HOLYFIELD is still one of my very favorites.
Yes, but there is something to be said for instant gratification too.
Sounds interesting, I admit. If I had a free ebook of it right now, I'd probably read it.
I'll have to track down a copy of this.
Nice pick, Bill. Nice pick. Interesting comment.
Bill--Clickbaiters comes to you for THE FIVE BEST BILDUNGSROMANS EVVS! After shuddering, what does the current list look like? Does HOLYFIELD have a chance, as a title? (Ho, boxing reference, nudge nudge ow.)
Holyfield is a knockout for a guy of a certain age.
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