The heart of the book is the art, but Art Scott provides an excellent and insightful introduction to the artist and his work, with shorter introductions to each section of the book. I can't think of anyone better qualified to do so. Scott might be the only person in the world who owns all the paperbacks for which McGinnis has done the covers. Following the introduction, there's also a fine interview with McGinnis himself.
The longest section in the book is the one devoted to "Seven Decades of McGinnis Book Covers," and paperback collectors will see some familiar works here, although maybe never so large or paired with the original art. The colors are vivid, and some of the paintings almost pop off the page. Other sections cover "The Movies," "Magazine Illustration," "Gallery Art," "McGinnis' West," and "Landscapes." In every section we're treated to one great painting after another, and each section has a brief introduction by Scott.
The Art of Robert E. McGinnis is a quality production all the way. It's clear that great care was taken with the artwork to get the colors as close to the originals as possible. It's printed on heavy paper, and I have no idea how they managed to keep the price so low. This is the coffee-table book bargain of the year. Or the book bargain of the year, period. Kudos to Titan Books, to Art Scott, and of course to Robert McGinnis. I suspect that everyone who sees this book will be hoping for a sequel. I know that I am.
I have a lot of paperbacks with his covers. Fantastic!
You'd love this book, Tom.
I love my copy of THE ART OF ROBERT E. MCGINNIS! And, like you, I'm hoping for a sequel. Wonderful art work from a classy artist!
Big time writers and reviewers (you) get a copy early, while the rest of us wait. I have the Deluxe Edition on order, and hope it arrives by mid November or early December. Naturally, whenever it arrives I'll drop everything else and spend time reading, gazing and appreciating the fine work and commentary.
Oh, so George got his copy already, too. You big shots have all the connections. [hangs head] With my lick it will come on a day when we have freezing rain and the delivery people can't drive up our hill to deliver it...
The un-Deluxe Editions from Amazon went out on the pub date, so those should be in everyone's hand by now.
Could someone confirm that this edition has any differences from Scott's previous opus - "The Paperback Covers of Robert McGinnis"? Or is it just the re-issue?
Definitely different.
Can't wait for my copy to arrive.
Congratulations, Art.
This is NOT a reissue of the 2001 Paperbacks book. That was an illustrated bibliography; this is a life-and-works survey of all aspects of his art, not just paperbacks. Apart from a few book covers that happen to be featured in both, this is all new material.
Art Scott
I've said it before but....
McGinnis plays on a secret fetish of mine: All his women look intelligent!
Art says the same.
Dan, like Bill says. In the interview Jeff Pierce did with me for Kirkus, I said the following:
"I’ve always thought that the key to the appeal of his women was not anatomical, but intellectual. They look smart; wicked smart; a lot smarter than you, buddy.…I don’t know how in the world he does it with a few brushstrokes around the eyes, but his women invariably look not just beautiful, not just desirable, not just hot, but intelligent..."
Art Scott
Still waiting for mine.
I am trying to get in touch with Mr. Scott. I have all but 25 of the McGinnis paperbacks and 40 or so of the magazines. I am hoping to jet in touch with other collectors for possible trades or purchases and to help put together as much of a list of magazine art as we can.
Thank you
Joel Pike
University of Northern Iowa
And by the way, I just got my copy of the book from amazon yesterday. Well worth it and a great addition for anyone who is a McGinnis fan.
Joel, send me an e-mail at billcrider(at)outlook.com, and I'll forward it to Art Scott.
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