While I'm a big fan of the books in the Monk series, Judy's favorite book by Lee Goldberg is The Walk, which we both read back in its Five Star incarnation. Now the book is doing big numbers in Kindle format, so Goldberg has had it published in paperback for those who don't have a Kindle or who prefer to read a real book. You can find a plot summary at the link. Both Judy and I recommend this one.
I have the Five Star edition and enjoyed it as well. Next to The Man With The Iron On Badge, it's my favorite of his books. And I do love the Monk titles. And mustn't forget the Diagnosis: Murder stories either.
Thanks for the mention, Bill. It has been gratifying to see THE WALK do so well after doing so poorly in hardcover.
I wonder how companies like Five Star are going to hang on when it makes more financial sense now to take your book to the Kindle rather than to them...
It's going to be interesting to see.
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