Monday, June 14, 2010

This Might Worry Me if I Had Any Idea What it Was all About

Dark Energy and Dark Matter Might Not Exist, Scientists Allege - Yahoo! News: "Dark matter and dark energy are two of the most mind-boggling ingredients in the universe. Ever since these concepts were first proposed, some astronomers have worked feverishly to figure out what each thing is, while other astronomers have tried to prove they don't exist, in hopes of restoring the universe to the more understandable place many would like it to be.

A new look at the data from one of the telescopes used to establish the existence of this strange stuff is causing some scientists to question whether they really exist at all. Yet other experts are holding firm to the idea that, whether we like it or not, the 'dark side' of the universe is here to stay."


Donna said...

We can't figure out what the universe is made of. We can't figure out how life began. We can't figure out how our world's climate got along before we were around to fiddle with it. And yet this world keeps turning and the universe carries on. I say we kick off our shoes, pour ourselves a drink and let creation take care of itself.

Rick Ollerman said...

Before Einstein, lumeniferous ether was a given. We couldn't detect it, either, but we knew it had to exist. It was a scientific given. Until it wasn't. I think dark matter ate my homework.