Schoenherr was perhaps best known for his illustrations for Dune, which was first published in two parts as 'Dune World' and 'The Prophet of Dune' in the science fiction magazine Analog in 1963 and 1965, respectively, and for which he won the 1965 Hugo Award for Best Artist. Beginning in the late 1950s and continuing through the late 1970s, Schoenherr contributed hundreds of distinctive and memorable illustrations for various science fiction magazines and books."
Oh, I hadn't heard. I'm very saddened, this was one of my two or three favorite artist-illustrators, probably my second favorite of the Astounding/Analog artists (after Kelly Freas). His work is beautifully executed with wonderful style for the subject. I would love to see a retrospective show later this year!
R.I.P. to a very fine artist.
Yes...very sad news. He should be remembered for much more than DUNE WORLD, etc.
I grew up reading (and submitting short stories to) ANALOG, and Schoenherr's covers were among the best the magazine ever used. Schoenherr, Freas and DiFate were as good as illustrators ever come, IMO.
I loved John Schoenherr's artwork. He could capture the alienness of his subjects better than anyone else.
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