Screen siren Vivien Leigh tops British beauty poll | 24dash.com - Showbiz & Slap Dash: "Screen siren Vivien Leigh has topped a poll of the greatest British beauties of all time.
The Oscar-winning Gone With the Wind actress, who died in 1967, beat contemporary style icons like Kate Moss and Sienna Miller to the title.
Elizabeth Taylor, who was born in Britain to American parents, came second.
She was followed by former Darling Buds of May actress Catherine Zeta Jones in third place.
Princess Diana took fourth place in the survey of 1,000 men and women.
Screen icon Julie Christie was next, followed by Bond star Honor Blackman.
Supermodel Kate Moss took seventh place, followed by actress Sienna Miller, model Liz Hurley and actress Jane Seymour.
The survey, for the Bottlegreen Drinks Co, also found the so-called golden age of film boasted the most beautiful man of all time - Cary Grant.
:: The top 10 British female beauties:
1. Vivien Leigh
2. Elizabeth Taylor
3. Catherine Zeta Jones
4. Princess Diana
5. Julie Christie
6. Honor Blackman
7. Kate Moss
8. Sienna Miller
9. Liz Hurley
10. Jane Seymour"
What! No Diana Rigg?! Clearly the voters were insane.
And Dame Edna?...No, wait - he's Australian.
- Jerry House
I agree, Brent. No Diana Rigg means the list is invalid.
I have to wonder if her continuing career, where she is still a handsome woman in her 60s but not as stunning as she was in her 20s and 30s, hasn't worked against Rigg...if Blackman makes the cut. While Elizabeth Taylor...I continue to fail to see the basis of the UK obsession with ET. Diana Hanover only slightly more ridiculous in these circumstances, but sentiment will out.
Then again, I suspect these folks were all on a list provided, when, say, Amanda Donohoe, aging gracefully and retaining much of her devastating youthful beauty, was not.
Hard to argue about Cary Grant.
Is Joan Collins British? If so, she ought to be #1. And what about Judy Geeson, Glynnis Johns, and about 100 others all better looking than Jane Seymour?
Joan Collins is British, and I agree that she should be on the list (but maybe not #1 - your taste may differ). Certainly there are people who should be on this list ahead of Kate (pass the heroin - sorry diet drug) Moss or Honor Blackman - again your taste will probably differ - who I never really got.
What I never understood is the appeal of Princess Diana. (Maybe because she's dead I shouldn't be talking like this...)
My wife says she's never understood the appeal of Prince Charles, who, to her, seems just pompous and boring.
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