And to me. The blog is four years old. I'm a little bit older. Sixty-five, to be exact. Officially a ward of the state. It's hard for me to believe I'm this old. I never really thought about what it would be like, but I suppose it was inevitable that I'd get here, barring catastrophic accidents or illnesses. All you youngsters will be here sooner than you think, considering it's only been about two weeks since I turned thirty. And you damned kids get off my lawn!
Happy Birthday, Bill. I hope Judy's taking good care of you today. You know, wiping your chin after you eat your strained peaches and all that. I'm a few years behind you, but boy, you're right, it really starts to go fast after 30.
Ben Rehder
Thanks, guys. And stay away from my lawn.
Psst..hey guys, let's go do donuts on Old Man Crider's lawn...
Happy Birthday, Bill!
Dammit, I'm buying a shotgun.
and many more, Bill.
Thanks, Banjo. I'm hoping for around 40.
Well, you can, but those guys better stay away.
Happy birthday, Bill, and happy birthday to the blog as well. How did we ever get along without your blog?
A most happy birthday! Patti
Thanks, Steve and Patti. I'm just geezing along with the breeze.
Happy Birthday, Bill. In honor of this day, I promise: no geezer taunting.
(Note to everyone else: Kegger on Old Man Crider's lawn!)
[waving from the sidewalk, absent-mindedly dropping detritus from the pockets on the Crider Greens]: Happy Birthday, Bill! Perhaps WEBR can pair the SHAYNE show with a brief Crider reading by someone...
Keggers? That does it, I'm buying a bazooka.
Thanks for the idea of the reading on WEBR, Todd. Somehow, I doubt anyone would listen.
Happy Birthday Bill. You mean the lawn with those damn sprinklers on every day? Who would think of coming anywhere near it, especially with you sitting in the rocker with you double barrel shotgun across you knees. Can I get you a drink, sir?
All kidding aside...its guys like you who set the standard for the rest of us to live up to. Tina and I wish you a Happy Birthday.
Thanks, Aldo, but I'm afraid your standards are too low.
Happy anniversary to Bill and the blog!
Thanks, Juri!
A very Happy Birthday to you and my wish to you is many many more. I must tell you, you are costing me a fortune with your paperback pictures because I now want to own them all. Thanks so much for all your efforts. Happy birthday also to your blog. I look forward to the posting every day. Chris
Thanks, Chris. Any time I can get somebody to buy an old paperback, I'm happy.
Happy Birthday and many happy returns! But what's all this about being a ward of the state? Is it time to open a Swiss account?
Allan, I gave up washing dishes after Mrs. Cryer's Boarding House. I swore I'd never have dishpan hands again.
Karin, at 65 I get my medical expenses taken over by Uncle Sugar. And soon Social Security checks will arrive in my mailbox.
Many happy returns, Bill. You keep good company. Also born on this day: Beatrix Potter, Rudy Vallee, Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez and Showgirls' Elizabeth Berkley. That's some line-up.
Not only will I stay off your lawn, I'll mow the damn thing for you. Someday. Probably not in the summer. And if you have any of those garden gnomes the deal's off.
Thanks for the offer, Vince. No garden gnomes here. Come on down.
Happy Birthday to both you and the blog!!! Hope you have a great time celebrating and that those around you treat you well on your big day!
It was a glad day for the universe when you came into being, and I shall celebrate the day with a toast and a cheer. HOOORAY!
Age is relative. With your youthful outlook you'll never be old. Just as kid in a badly wrinkled body. Only 35 more years and we'll celebrate your century mark.
Let me add belated birthday greetings to you, Bill. And to the blog. It's been a real treat knowing you for the last20 plus years. And I hope to continue for a while, you young whippersnapper. Did Judy bake you a cake? Or would you need a fire permit for the candles?
Thanks, Carl, Frank, and Bob. I think I'll celebrate with an extra-large glass of Metamucil.
Happy birthday to you and to the only blog I know of that can go for months without mentioning Lindsay Lohan's nipples!
I have told the kids to avoid the lawn when they deliver the flaming bag of dog poo to your front step. Just to be sure, it's the only house on the street without garden gnomes, right?
-- Jerry House
I'm buying the gnome as soon as Vince mows the lawn.
Wow, that is OLD! I thought I was a geezer but you are a dinosaur.
No seriously, Bill, you're a lot younger than your age.
And now you get to use W's great new health care plan. How lucky can you get?
Hey, let's face it: I am a dinosaur. But life is indeed good in this best of all possible worlds.
Echoing the birthday sentiments! See you in two weeks at ArmadilloCon.
Thanks, Scott. I'm looking forward to the convention. I hope Neal shows up so I won't be the oldest one there.
Belated happy birthday to you and the blog! Your's was the first blog I ever read on a regular basis and got me to thinking about writing one, too. So it's all your fault!
I'm happy to accept the blame for your blog. I check it every day.
You're right. I haven't read it. Sounds like a book to keep an eye out for.
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