I'll be visiting my hometown this weekend, and I'll be meeting with some of my old (and that's the right word, believe me) friends from high school. The photo above is of the Mexia High School Slide Rule Club from many years back. I'm not telling you which one is me, but this was before I got the fabulous birth-control glasses that I was wearing in the wedding picture of a few posts back.

Front right, flannel shirt. But why do all the guys behind the giant slide rule look like they're members of the car club?
Slide rule club! Then how did you wind up an English teacher? BTW, I still have my K&E Log-Log Duplex Decitrig, sheathed in its scabbard & ready for battle.
Just lucky, I guess. I wish I had my slide rule. I think my mother threw it away along with my funny books.
I think I still have a slip stick around here somewhere. I was getting out of school just as the first hand-held calculators (with the LEDs) were coming in, and boy were they expensive, and they couldn't do half of what a slide rule could.
I'm with the Cap'n. But where's the "kick me" sign?
Are you sure it was you and not Depression-era photo?
I was on the Slide Rule Team for one year in high school, which was the ancestor of the math and science teams they have today. But I was just an alternate and never got to compete.
I might be able to multiply and divide on a slide rule now, but I'd hate to risk anything important on it.
What went on at the Slide Rule Club meeting? Did you just sit around doing cube roots and natural logarithms?
Oh my God, slide rules. That takes me back. Do kids today even know what a slide rule is?
...this was before I got the fabulous birth-control glasses that I was wearing in the wedding picture of a few posts back.
Not to worry, Bill, being in the Slide Rule Club was probably more effective as birth control than any glasses you could wear.
You're right. Being in that club and then getting those glasses preserved my precious bodily essences for a long time.
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