Friday, October 16, 2015

I Miss the Old Days

Watch Film Legend Boris Karloff's Horrifyingly Funny Coffee Commercial


Patrick Murtha said...

One true advancement of modern times: In those pre-Starbucks days, supermarket coffee was so ghastly that it is rather appropriate that Boris Karloff was doing a commercial for it.

Same with beer in the pre-Sam Adams days. They were no options, and what was on offer was utterly lacking in flavor and presence. I didn't like beer OR coffee until richer and more varied contemporary offerings started becoming available.

There is a book to be written about how by the 1960s, America's collective tastes had become so utterly bland, Wonder Bread-y and Kraft Cheese-y. That is one aspect of the "Mad Men" era I would NOT want to return to.

Unknown said...

Interesting thought, Patrick.

One thing about those times that may have a bearing: everyone in those days was smoking everywhere: restaurants, other people's homes, even hospitals. And no one noticed the smell back then....

Unknown said...

And THANKS! Bill!

mybillcrider said...

You are, of course, welcome. As always.

Patrick Murtha said...

Daniel, you are so right about that. I was a kid then (born in 1958), and I remember! So as people's taste buds became less corrupted as smoking started to wane, first slightly then precipitously, they became more receptive to flavor experiences - good coffee, good beer, international cuisines, etc. It makes sense.

I remember the first time I had genuinely good (and expensive) tea, in Korea - it was NOTHING like the supermarket tea I had grown up on. A whole other world.

Mike Doran said...

Butternut Coffee wasn't available in my part of the country, so this was the first time I saw this commercial.

Boris Karloff was really good in this.

You might even say he was A-1!

Oh, wait ... that was the other spot he did, for a certain brand of steak sauce.

Anybody got that one up?

mybillcrider said...

I'll take a look.