Saturday, April 12, 2014

11 Pulp Fiction Covers That Were Used To Sell Literary Classics

Discover 11 Pulp Fiction Covers That Were Used To Sell Literary Classics 


Todd Mason said...

(Currently biting table, in response to the misuse of the language.)

these runschan! the verification shouts...

mybillcrider said...

I knew it would bother you.

Craig Smith said...

I'm with Todd (I think), assuming he's complaining about the misuse of "pulp". A pet peeve of mine. We now hear about pulp paperback, pulp comics, whatever. They ain't pulps people! I blame Quentin Tarantino! i continue to whine about this, even though pretty much nobody cares!

mybillcrider said...

That's the complaint. Let's all blame Tarantino.