Monday, March 17, 2014

I Miss the Old Days

The death of the high school dance 


Rick Robinson said...

and thus the end of terror-stricken calls to girls asking for the date to the dance...

mybillcrider said...

Right. Texting is much more fun than dancing, and you don't have to speak to anybody.

Deb said...

You wouldn't know that school dances are on their way out based on what I've observed at the high school where I work and the one my daughters attend. In addition to the senior prom, both schools host a back-to-school dance, a Homecoming dance, and the Who's Who dance. The dances are always packed. The one thing that I notice has changed since I went to school is that girls don't mind attending without a date. Back in the day, boys might go stag to a dance, but a girl would never show her face without a date, now they have no problem found solo.

mybillcrider said...

Good to hear that some of the old traditions (the fun ones) are still alive.