Friday, February 04, 2011


Rod Gray (Gardner F. Fox), The Lady from L. U. S. T., BT, 1967


Deb said...

I actually have this book! Back when I was a wee slip of a girl, my best friend and I found a copy of it (I think it belonged to her older brother) and spent many an hour reading the salacious passages and trying to puzzle things out. Last year for my birthday, that same friend (best friend for over 40 years) sent me a copy.

A la recherche du temps perdu...

mybillcrider said...

Somehow you didn't seem to be the most likely suspect to own this one.

Deb said...

Yes, I have to be sure it's hidden behind my Little House on the Prairie collection whenever our church Pastor visits.

Dan said...

Didn't this author also do KISS MY ASSASSIN ?