Friday, March 02, 2007

NoirCon 2008

Dear Friends,

We commemorate the 90th anniversary of David L. Goodis’s birth (March 2nd, 1917) by announcing the birth of NoirCon.

In the spirit of GoodisCon 2007, we are proud to announce a conference dedicated to the celebration of the Noir, past, present and future.

Following such great masters as Goodis, Hitchcock, Wells and Boucher, NoirCon will seek to honor the finest in writing, film and art.

Presentation of the second annual Deen and Jay Kogan Award will be given.

Noircon will be a three day event convening on April 3rd and running through April 6th, 2008 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

So mark your calendars.

NoirCon will be another great weekend of lively conversation, wonderful company and entertaining multimedia presentations.

Do not hesitate to contact us!

Thank you,

Lou Boxer and Deen Kogan


Graham Powell said...

This sounds pretty bad ass. I may have to make the trip. I hope they don't find out I'm a Cowboys fan.

mybillcrider said...

Just be sure not to wear your Staubach jersey.

Anonymous said...

This standing in for the Happy Birthday, David Goodis entry? Works for me.

Is there a hotlink meant to work in there?

Meanwhile, the Cowboys are about as ineffectual, or moreso even, than the pinfeather auto-extracting Eagles, much to my housemate Alice's mild malaise. Don't sweat it.

mybillcrider said...

No hot links, nor was there on in the e-mail I received.