Thursday, January 26, 2006

Pat Novak for Hire

Thrilling Days of Yesteryear : "Nostalgia isn't what it used to be." -- Peter DeVries: "I almost forgot—I received a great e-mail from Derek Steffen who alerted me that he has a web page devoted to Pat Novak for Hire and that he was inspired by a blog entry here at TDOY. (I won’t stop until I corrupt the minds of every single person on the Internet—bwhahahahahahahahaha!!!) Stop by and check it out—any Pat Novak fan is a friend of mine."


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. Pat Novak is a favorite of mine, but I had never thought to look for a Web site.
--Darrell Smith

Anonymous said...

Glad the web site is being appreciated. Thanks for putting up the link.

It's a very basic, basic web site design, but I'm hoping the content is attractive enough to override whatever rudimentary HTML skills I have.
How to make a classic noir radio detective series (in 10 parts):

1. Have Jack Webb play cold-as-40-below Pat Novak.
"She didn't die, baby. With that much lead, she sank."

2. Give Novak a drunkard but wise and loyal partner in the clutch.
"A good guy, but to him a hangover is the price of being sober."

3. Pit a brutish police inspector against Novak and always on his tail.
"Now talk nice and save teeth."

4. Add in women, preferably of the "if the looks could kill" variety.
"You knew the first time you met her, you'd been seeing her too often."

5. Set Novak in the middle of an alluringly brazen San Francisco.
"Along the Embarcadero, nothing's perfect except the heels."

6. Mix in thugs, hired guns, and a double-cross or two.
"Look, mister, I'm sick of your mouth. It's a big floor, so stretch out."

7. Layer with cynicism.
"It's a good living if you don't run short of bail bonds and Benzedrine."

8. Blend in the occasional simile.
"The street was as deserted as a warm bottle of beer."

9. Remember, there is no substitute for murder.
"During the summer, the morgue's the coolest spot in town."

10. Call it Pat Novak, For Hire.
"I rent boats and kick around a few scruples, if the price is right."

more on . . .