Saturday, July 02, 2005

Speaking of Bad Movies. . .

. . . my wife is in the other room watching (I'm not making this up) Ishtar for the (I'm not making this up, either) third or fourth time. She loves that movie. I don't know that this proves. I try not to think about it.


Anonymous said...

Bill, but what would Judy say about your love of Gator Bait or others of that fine ilk? Probably the same that Jackie would.

Granted, Ishtar... oh well, no accounting for taste, right?

Anonymous said...

Bill, Ishtar isn't that bad a movie. It suffers more from a history of bum raps that began before release than what's on the screen. Part of the fun is hearing the bad songs Paul Williams had to write intentionally, for plot purposes. One line (in the Elaine May script)delivered late-late by Chuck Grodin is by itself almost worth the price of admission. Kudos to Judy for her appreciation.

mybillcrider said...

Judy is a huge Charles Grodin fan. Maybe that explains it.

Cap'n Bob said...

I'm reminded of the CHEERS episode in which Lillith was the only one who thought Cliff's standup comedy was funny.

Anonymous said...

My wife also loves Ishtar! I thought maybe I was the only one with such a burden. Perhaps we need to form a support group, like Al-Anon.